As an experienced programmer, I’ve delved into the intricacies of game mechanics, procedural content generation, and AI. For every project I work on, I always strive to achieve efficiency not only for my own work, but for the artists, writers, and designers I am working with. I am keen on developing tools that make my life easier and help other teammates do their jobs better as well, with the overall goal being to make the end result better.

I am competent and passionate about many areas of game development and software development. This makes me quite a versatile member of any team, as I am able to wear several hats if need be. I have a passion for physics, graphics, databases, procedural generation, and AI.


Unity. A 2D action platformer. This originally a Godot game jam project. Later it was reimplemented and extended in Unity.

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Steam Eagles

Unity. 2D crafting sandbox with a heavy emphasis on freedom and creativity, combined with physics systems and gas simulations.

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I am a passionate and dedicated game developer with a strong desire to help bring powerful interactive experiences to light. I am currently completing a degree in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Springfield. I have been independently exploring the realms of game development and software engineering since 2016.

My experience in game development has come from a variety of game jams, personal projects and an internship working with Unity and Unreal Engine.